What to eat in Tawau :

1) Seafood  2) Malay Food   3) Indian Food   4) Chinese Food  5) Fruits  6) Japanese Food




Venue: Tawau Seafood Restaurant, Bandar Fajar, Tawau

Overall comment: Pretty good Chinese-style cooked seafood meal at a reasonable price. This place is usually packed during peak hours i.e. 7p.m. onwards.

Halal: Yes

  I didn't really do much research prior to flying to Tawau; didn't know what's good to eat here, nor what's there to do in Tawau town itself! What a shame. It's unlike me to not find out about a place before heading there, but it seems like I made it through this time, even without knowing much about Tawau...all thanks to Noi, my uni-classmate back at UMP :)

The restaurant is spacious & is said to be usually packed after 7pm. Although shops & businesses in Tawau closes quite early, people in Tawau don't eat that early after all.

It was a good & satisfying meal. We were so full that we could hardly move. Right after dinner, we went back to rest before walking out to the nearby cinema for a movie. What else is there to do at Tawau? Having a cinema there is already a big surprise! :D Since the town is so quiet at night, after the movie, it was time to rest already. We flew back to KL the next day, feeling utterly nostalgic & missing Mabul/Sipadan so, very much.


Food Index : March 27, 2011 02:00:54 PM

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