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Sebatik Island
Sebatik Island

Sebatik IslandSebatik Island

Aerial View of Sebatik Island, Tawau, Sabah. Sebatik Island viewed from Tawau Town


Nunukan is the main transit point to Tawau.

Sebatik island has nine sub-districts :
1) Krayan,
2) Krayan Selatan,
3) Lumbis,
4) Sembakung,
5) Nunukan,
6) Nunukan Selatan,
7) Sebatik,
8) Sebatik Barat
9) Sebuku.


Sebatik Island is just 20 minutes by speed boat from Batu Jetty of Tawau Town.


Original reference source : By Nashir Mansor July 29, 2008 Gutsy Smallholder 'Strikes' Big With Oil Palm

20 years ago, a 22-year-old young man went ahead with a bold venture to cleared 18 hectares of his family-owned land for oil palm cultivation at Sebatik Island.

Doubts expressed by the other farmers do not deter him from becoming a successful farmer. With a capital of RM15,000 saved from his previous cocoa-trading , he went on to becoming a successful farmer on cultivate oil palm trees in his village Kg Sungai Haji Kuning.
This family style plantation farming has not been easy on Sebatik Island that lacks basic amenities. In those days, the source of electricity was own generators and the mud roads were in bad shape that it was almost impassable even on bicycles. Affandi used to recalled the toughest in the early pioneer years when the Sebatik Island lacked basic infrastructure. At that time, the farmers had to entirely depend on the rain and wells for source of water. When there was no rain for a week, the farmers were forced to get their water supply from Tawau. Some workers gave up living on the island as they could not stand having to fetch water from the well everyday.

Today (2011) Affandi's hard work is pay off when his earnings from oil palm fruits reached RM100,000 a month.
His success does not stop there, as Affandi S. Mohd, now 42, has expanded his estate to 50 over hectares in his island.............................

Read full story By Nashir Mansor July 29, 2008 Gutsy Smallholder 'Strikes' Big With Oil Palm




RM1.5mil to build roads on Sebatik

In 2004, the federal government has allocated RM1.56 million to build roads on Pulau Sebatik
Another RM12.6 million water supply project also completed that benefit 5,000 residents of the island.
DailyExpress: The federal government has allocated RM1.56 million to build roads on Pulau Sebatik here, said Rural and Regional Development Minister Datuk Abdul Aziz Shamsuddin Sunday.


Rural Electricity Supply (BELB) project costing RM120 million expected to be completed by the end of 2010
Sebatik water project costing RM27 million expected to be in operational 2011.

The RM27 million Pulau Sebatik Rural Water Supply (BALB) project is expected to be operational by June 2011, benefiting about 5,000 residents there. The project, which started in October 2009, is expected to solve the clean water supply problem on the island.

Several other development projects for Sebatik Island are in the pipeline including :
Upgrading 90km farm roads that will benefit about 2,000 people in the agriculture industry and the Kg Sungai Tamang and Kg Sg Tongkang bridges. These projects will be carried out during the 10th Malaysian Plan period.


Reference Source :
Indon swimmer sets Cowie Bay record :

Jellyfish, strong current stop Malaysia-Indonesia friendship ocean swim :

Ibrahim Rusli
Ibrahim Rusli
First man across Cowie Bay

Indonesian swimmer, Ibrahim Rusli, 46 became the first man to swim 8km across the Cowie Bay from Sebatik Island to Tawau Town on 12th January 2011.
He is the first Indonesian to swim across international waters.

Rusli Ibrahim achieved his wish to swim across Gulf Cowie.
He landed at Batu-Batu at Sabindo area, Tawau Town at 10.30am after swimming for five hours from Sungai Nyamuk, Indonesia.

From Sebatik Island, he was flagged off by the Sebatik Indonesia District Officer.

During the duration, Ibrahim was accompanied by 25 media personnel from Indonesia.

He was tired by the waves and current but continued on in his bid to bring Indonesia's name up to a higher pedestal with strong support from family and friends.
He made his first attempt on Aug. 3, 2010 but failed by stinging jellyfish in the sea.
Rusli Ibrahim, 46, is an employee of the Information Department in Indonesia. This successful attempt made him the first swimmer to complete the journey from Sebatik Island's Mosquito River to Tawau Town 8 kilometers away.
His main barriers across the Gulf Cowie is poisonous jellyfish that habitat at Cowie Bay sea water. It was these poisonous jellyfish that failed him in the middle of the sea August 2010 last year.
This time the sea water was calm, jelly fish did not show up.

"I'm really proud and excited to finish this swimming. When doing the swimming today, I do not think about giving up. " Rusli Ibrahim said

Acting Chief Consul at the Indonesia Consulate General Office in Tawau W.R. Hendro hoped Ibrahim Rusli success would be able to foster greater relationship between the two neighboring countries.
The Government of Malaysia through Tawau Municipal Council (MPT) warmly welcomed the arrival of Ibrahim Rusli and his entourage.
Ibrahim has his next goal : to climb Kilimanjaro mountain in northeastern Tanzania, Africa. This mountain height is 4600 meters from mountain foot. This is the highest peak in Africa, with the height of 5895 meters above sea level.

Ibrahim Rusli
Ibrahim Rusli
perenang pertama takluk Teluk Cowie, Tawau.

Siapa Ibrahim Rusli?
Ibrahim Rusli berusia 46 tahun yang merupakan seorang kakitangan Jabatan Penerangan Indonesia di wilayah Kalimantan Timur.

Apa kejayaan Ibrahim Rusli?
Ibrahim Rusli menjadi perenang pertama yang melengkapkan perjalanan dari Sungai Nyamuk di Pulau Sebatik ke pelabuhan Tawau yang jaraknya adalah sejauh 8 kilometer.

Apa halangan utama Ibrahim Rusli merentasi Teluk Cowie?
Semestinya hidupan ubur-ubur berbisa yang menjadikan Teluk Cowie sebagai habitatnya kerana faktor geografi Teluk Cowie.

Kenapa aku menganggap kejadian ini bersejarah adalah kerana aku mengikuti perkembangan perenang ini sejak kegagalannya merentasi Teluk Cowie pada Ogos 2010. Kegagalan itu disifatkan sebagai kejayaan tertunda… Ayat ini sangat bermotivasi.

Ibrahim Rusli perenang pertama takluk Teluk Cowie, Tawau.



Sejahtera mini oil palm estate (Mesej)

Sejahtera mini oil palm estate (Mesej) project is a 300ha project for hardcore poor in Kampung Sungai Laba, Pulau Sebatik.

Basic infrastructure at the mini estate include roads and houses.

This is the first of 15 such projects earmarked for Sabah in efforts to eradicate poverty in Sabah.

Some oil palm trees in the Pulau Sebatik Mesej project had started to produce fruits in 2009. Besides earning dividend from the harvest, the participants could also get salaries if they chose to work in the mini estate.
Pulau Sebatik is an island known for being bisected by the Indonesia-Malaysia border.
This unknown Island to many Malaysian has the potential to be another Tawau’s tourism destinations.

The island is already a popular destination for anglers due to its rich marine life.

Its multi-cultural community is also an attraction for visitors who want a taste of the unique Sabahan lifestyle.

Sebatik island is also a habitat for proboscis monkeys.
Home stay programmes is a GOOD way to increase the ISLAND residents’ income.
The science, technology and innovation ministry has chosen the sea-bed off Pulau Sebatik as the first location in Sabah to be planted with ceramic 'reefs' to encourage fish breeding.

The placement of the eight artificial reefs, each weighing 1.2 tonne, at a depth of about 23 metres under the sea, was launched by Sebatik State Assemblyman Abdul Muis Picho in January 2011

About 200 fishermen in Pulau Sebatik are expected to benefit from the artificial reefs.

The artificial reefs were built by Sirim Berhad and the local community in Sulabayan, Semporna, under the ministry's Technology Application Programme (TAP).

The environmental-friendly 'reefs' are the first to be placed in Sabah and can last up to 50 years.

Similar reefs would be placed in Pulau Sapi, Sandakan, Kota Belud and Kukup in Johor.


Clinic proposed for Pulau Sebatik
Published on: Thursday, June 14, 2012
Sebatik Assemblyman Abdul Muis Picho proposed the setting up of a clinic at Pulau Sebatik to cater to the island's more than 4,000 inhabitants. The island is shared with Indonesia.

He said a two-hectare site in Kg Bergosong Besar has been identified for the clinic, with beds, a permanent doctor and emergency ward.

"I visited the site with a Tawau Health Department officer and motion for the department to apply for the lot with the Land and Survey Department.

We hope this endeavor would succeed as we wish to see improved health facilities for the island's 4,500 inhabitants," he said.

Abdul Muis said he had raised the matter with Deputy Health Minister (Datuk Rosnah) during her visit to Tawau and was given to understand the Government needed a suitable site for the purpose.

On a separate development, Abdul Muis said youths at Kampung Bergosong Besar could now enjoy the new RM150,000 futsal court in their village. It was the third futsal court on the island.


A world with no boundaries
A world with no boundaries

The development in Pulau Sebatik brought a positive impact to Tawau as the island is divided between Malaysia and Indonesia.

Malaysian government has been developing Pulau Sebatik to spur the economy and uplift the living standard of residents on the island.

Sabah Economic Development Corporation (SEDCO) plans in 2011 was to build eight shop houses to uplift the economic status of residents on the island.

The newly completed RM2.5mil jetty made easy for allows Pulau Sebatik residents taking their agriculture products to processing factories in Tawau.

‘Give us roads, schools, hospital’ :

Sebatik Assemblyman Abdul Muis Picho
Sebatik Assemblyman Abdul Muis Picho


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