The above image is male and female flowers of Grammatophyllum
speciosum (Tiger Orchid/ Giant Orchid)
The dominant original vegetation is the lowland diterocarp forest. However,
nearly half the park, and almost all the forest below 500m. The remaining
primary jungle is luxurious with many commercial timber species (dipterocarpus).
The mengaris tree - notorious for its beehives - is common here.
The Shorea faguetiana called pokok Seraya Siput Kuning (88.32 m) was recorded as the tallest tropical tree in the world's. Above 1,000 metres, thick damp mossy forest takes over. Orchids, epiphytes and forest herbs grow in abundance. About 150 orchid species were recorded and among the attractive collections is the Elephant-Ear Orchid (Phalaenopsis Gigantea) - largest orchid leaves in the world's.
Tiger Orchid Blooming in Tawau Hills Park
Species: Grammatophyllum speciosum (Tiger Orchid/ Giant Orchid)
Grammatophyllum speciosum
Tiger Orchid
Grammatophyllum speciosum (tiger orchid, giant orchid) , is also called queen
of the orchids. Tiger Orchid is native to Indonesia. Listed by the Guinness Book
of World Records as the world's tallest orchid, with specimens recorded up to
7.62 meters (25 ft) in height.
Each raceme (flower inflorescence) can grow to a height of 3m, bearing up to
eighty flowers, each 10 cm wide. The flowers are yellow colored with maroon or
dark red spots. Grammatophyllum speciosum blooms only once every two to four
years. Each blooming can last for two months.
This young plant in the photo is only about 2.5 meters in height and has another
life span to grow for another 20 years (if the park protect it from
destruction). Hope I can come back again to visit this orchid again 20 years.
Winged Seed from a Dipterocarp tree in Tawau Hills Park
TAWAU HILLS PARK 2019-09-04 WED 16:51
Wild strawberry in Tawau Hills Park in Sabah, Borneo, Malaysia.
The foods of the animals in the park.
Exploring Mother Nature in Tawau Hills Park
Mother Nature is Earth’s precious treasure we should always try our best to
We must do the very best to protect and preserve the Mother Nature for as long
as we can remember.
When you visit Tawau , be sure to witness with your very own eyes the protected
nature of the Earth -start off with Tawau Hills Park.
Upon reaching the park, visitors find themselves being instantly immersed in a
very green environment closer to the nature than usually are.
Breath in the fresh air and smell the freshness of the green plants surrounding
Family can start off by having a picnic session in the park .
Small group can camp in the park to be further immersed in the green environment
to obtain a thrilling experience of spending the night out with the wildlife.
There are e different flora species in Tawau Hills Park. The Orchid Garden has
lot of labels as you explore the garden to help you in enhancing your knowledge
on the plant species being preserved in the park. Here, visitor get the chance
to witness some rare flora species such as the Elephant Ear’s Orchid which one
would not get to see elsewhere.
Various fauna species stroll around the place. Catch a glimpse of the giant tree
squirrels, and various monkey species when exploring the park.
Botanical Garden (TAMAN TANAH RENDAH)
You can find some interesting tropical plants in the Park's Botanical Garden
which is only 10 minutes walk from the office.
This Botanical Garden is closed most of the time because there is not plenty
visitor. If you find the entrance counter is closed, you can approach the
office, the staff will arrange for you.
There are Orchid Species in this garden.
If you are really interested in orchids there is a specialized garden BSI
ORCHID GARDEN in Bandar Sri Indah new township 38 Km from Tawau Hills Park on
the way to airport. You can drop in on your way back to Tawau Air Port. Again
this Orchid Garden is closed for walk in visitors. You may need to prearrange
your visit with the garden. Please call office at Bandar Sri Indah 089-773311.
38Km from Tawau Hills Park is this Orchid Garden in Bandar Sri Indah new
More about the Flora of Borneo