Wednesday, 16 March, 2022 10:55:02 AM



Sri Aman Division has two administrative districts:
1- Sri Aman District
1- Sri Aman Town
                2- Bakong Town
                3- Skrang Town
                4- Sabu Town
                5- Melugu Town
                6- Batu Lintang Town

    1- Lingga sub-district
1- Lingga Town
            2- Banting

    2- Pandu sub-district
1- Pandu Town
            2- Lachau Town

2- Lubok Antu District

Sri Aman is better known to most Sarawakians as the place where tidal bores occur. The annual “Pesta Benak” attract tens of thousands of people to the banks of Batang Lupar to witness all sorts of water sports.

A tidal bore happens when the tide rises. Seawater gushes into the river so rapidly that it creates a series of waves traveling inland.

Sri Aman Waterfront
Sri Aman Waterfront is a great location to watch tidal bore (Benak)

Sri Aman Eaterfront is a great location to watch tidal bore (Benak).
Next to Port Alice is Taman Panaroma Benak where exhibition of amazing pictures of benak.

Panoramic view from Batang Ai Lake Recreation Park
Batang Ai National Park

Panoramic view from Batang Ai Lake Recreation Park. At the distance lake is the "Batang Ai Integrated Fish Cage Culture Project"
Batang Ai Lake Recreation Park is 275km (5 hours drive) from Kuching City. A man-made lake with many protected wildlife species.
No public transport available to reach the park directly. Visitors can self driving or arrange through local travel agencies in Kuching.
There is a high-end resort to stay over inside the park. Or the nearest hotels are in Sri Aman town 2 hours away.

Suspension Bridge and Jetty at Batang Ai Lake Recreation Park
Suspension Bridge and Jetty at Batang Ai Lake Recreation Park

The Silk Cotton Trees of Sri Aman Town
Heritage Trees of Sri Aman : The Silk-Cotton Trees at Fort Alice

Sri Aman Town has a polulation of 65K which is half of Tawau's 140K

Sungai Tenggang

In the middle of the journey, the bus stopped in this village town Sungai Tenggang for 10 minutes break for the passenger to ease themselves.

Mega Inn 美佳酒店
Budget Accommodation in Sri Aman


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