Sunday, 21 October, 2018 02:44:17 PM


#3 Improve Mobility and Travel Bus Terminal Wawasan
Bus Terminal North - Inanam
Bus Terminal South - Kepayan
Bus Rapit Transit System (BRT)
One Way Traffic System

City Bus Terminal North in Inanam Town,
10 Km from Kota Kinabalu City Center.
(Inanam Bus Terminal)
City Bus Terminal North in Inanam Town
City Bus Terminal North in Inanam Town,
10 Km from Kota Kinabalu City Center.

List of Operators in Sabah

1 Leila Road Bus Co Sdn Bhd
2 Labuk Road Bus Co Sdn Bhd
3 The Tuaran United Transport Company Sdn Bhd
4 The Luen Thung Tanjong Aru Transport Company Sdn Bhd
5 Mustika Enterprise Sdn Bhd
6 Kenderaan Edza Sdn Bhd

Skt D. My Enterprise

2,239 kilometer-long
Pan-Borneo Highway
The Pan-Borneo Highway was built in 1986 to link the two East Malaysian states of Sabah and Sarawak.

It begins in the district of Sematan in Sarawak, and passes through Kuching, Serian, Sri Aman, Sarikei, Sibu, Bintulu, Miri, Limbang, Lawas, Kota Kinabalu, Sandakan and Tawau.

Sri Aman Town is off the Pan Borneo Highway

Between Sabah and Sarawak, the highway passed through two halves of  Brunei.

As of today, the Pan-Borneo Highway is 93 percent completed, with a remainder of a 50-kilometre missing link from Kalabakan to Serudong.

List of budget accommodation in Kota Kinabalu City



City Bus Terminal North in Inanam Town

Open up for Northern Terminal to include all types of buses. All types of buses to stop over at this terminal. Then to interchange into a bigger capacity bus to transfer passengers to CBD terminal.

Project Description:
• Civil works
• Building works
• M&E services
• Pedestrian link to KKIA Terminal 1
• Traveller Information System
• Capacity: 800

• Insufficient capacity of access road to and from terminal
• Pending funds from federal

Enablers Required to make it happen
• Integrating into KK public transport system

Key outcome / benefit of this project
• Act as a hub to centralise northern mini buses
• Reduce traffic congestion caused by mini buses in CBD
• Increase public transport efficiency

Greater KK needs to attract / encourage the public to use public transport (i.e. to increase modal share)

Good internal & external conditions of buses Clean and comfortable transport vehicle
Punctuality & Direct Services To have reliable & efficient schedules
Safety & Security

To feel safe from any crime threats

Affordability Reasonable pricing with time-related fare system
Clean and conducive terminal environment

Clean, covered & bright pathway and waiting area

Policy & Regulation Revise parking fee structure as positive discouragement
Bus Stops Walking distance to bus stop; clean, covered & bright bus stops
Travel Information Counter Provide reliable information on routes and schedules


Total vehicles in Sabah will reach 2.3 million vehicles by 2020. KK city is congested with motorists where approximately 60% of total vehicles registered in Sabah are in KK.

492,606 Vehicles in KK
842,188 Total vehicles in Sabah

Why public transport is crucial for the future of Greater KK?

Catalyst to increase tourist receipts • Total tourist receipts into Sabah is RM4.4 billion, of which RM345 million tourist receipts generated from local transport activities
• Total tourist arrival by year 2020 will be 8.1 million. Supply needs to support demand growth in the next 10 years
Seamless & quality travel experience • 46% of annual tourist arrivals (~1.1million) into Sabah are Free Independent Travelers (FITs). The requirement for seamless public transport to reach local attractions for such tourist segment is high
• More than 36 tourist attractions around Greater KK. Sabah in total has more than 100 tourist attractions. Integrated transportation is key
Serving the local needs • Total vehicles in Sabah will hit 2.3 million by 2020
• Conditions of the buses are below average to poor. The average age for bus and mini vans are 15 years
• Congestion at the CBD and key areas. Travelling time for a 10km journey at peak hour is 45 minutes by road


Jesselton Express Sdn Bhd
Sipitang Express Sdn Bhd

Bus Schedule:
Kota Kinabalu • Beaufort • Sipitang - Lawas - Limbang - Brunei
Kota Kinabalu • Menumbok (Labuan)
Journey Departure Time
KK - Beaufort - Sipitang 8.30AM 12.00 NOON 4.30PM
KK - Beaufort - Sipitang - Lawas 7.30AM
KK-Memimbok 6.40AM 7.30AM 1.00 PM
KK-Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei 8.00AM 10.00AM

Telephone number of Ticket Counter :
KK -016-8360009,012-6229722
Labuan -016-5529722
Beaufort - 0164264722
Sipitang - 016-8265722
Lawas -0164326722
Brunei -7183838

This centralised bus terminal for Sabah's northern and east coast sectors in Inanam started operation on Jan 15, 2006.

This terminal helps to improve efficiency in the public transport system in Sabah besides easing congestion in the city.

This centralised bus terminal for the northern and east coast sector was built at a cost of RM4.5 million and had a capacity of up to 80 buses at any one time.

The terminal will also provide shuttle bus services for the convenience of passengers who wish to proceed to the city centre at every 15 minutes.

Kota Kinabalu Suburbs & Townships

There are several distinct suburbs and townships within the Greater KK City area. These include Sembulan, Lintas, Luyang, Damai, Foh Sang and northward to Likas, Inanam, Merggatal and Telipok including villages and farmlands that are fast becoming surrounded by suburban residential and light industrial areas.

Getting around
Getting around in KK Is easy - taxis, buses and cars for hire ate easily available.
By Bus: This is a popular option especially for those who want travel cheaply to out of the city to places such as Kinabalu Park, Kundasang, Ranau, Papar, Beaufort, Tenom..

Destination Departure Point (Bus Terminal)
• to Tan|ung Aru & Luyang, Penampang (MYR 1) Located opposite DBKK or KK City Hall/High Court
• to Likas. Inanam, Tamparuli & tuaran (MYR 1 - MYR 4)

• To Papar (MYR 5)

• to Beaufort (MYR 8)

• To Sipltang (MYR 1 4)

Located near Wawasan Plaza & Anjung Senja Esplanade
• To Papar, Beaufort, Sipitang, Tambunan, Keningau, Tenom, Lawas & Kudat (MYR 5 - MYR 19)

• To Kundasang & Ranau (MYR 15 - MYR 19)

Located near Padang Merdeka (6.00 am - 6.30 pm)
• To Sandakan (MYR 35)

• To Tawau (MYR 55)

• To Sempotna (MYR 60)

• To Lahad Datu (MYR 40)

• To Kudat(MYR 18)

City Bus terminal (North) located at Inanam Township. Off mile 6. Jalan Tuaran

By Bus to Sandakan :
Air conditioned coaches go to Sandakan from Kota Kinabalu and Tawau every day.
The bus/coach journey takes 6 hours.
If you are going to Sipilok Center, the center is 23 km before reaching Sandakan. Ask the bus driver to drop you off at "Jalan Sepilok". From her is 2.5 km walk to the centre. (Many cars pass the road and you can easily get a lift.)


INDEX : Kota Kinabalu  October 21, 2018 02:44:17 PM

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